• ISSN 1000-0615
  • CN 31-1283/S


黄嘉慧, 郭昱嵩, 杜娟, 董忠典, 王中铎

黄嘉慧, 郭昱嵩, 杜娟, 董忠典, 王中铎. 弓背青鳉早期胚胎色素细胞发生及相关基因表达规律分析[J]. 水产学报, 2021, 45(12): 1965-1972. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201112486
引用本文: 黄嘉慧, 郭昱嵩, 杜娟, 董忠典, 王中铎. 弓背青鳉早期胚胎色素细胞发生及相关基因表达规律分析[J]. 水产学报, 2021, 45(12): 1965-1972. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201112486
HUANG Jiahui, GUO Yusong, DU Juan, DONG Zhongdian, WANG Zhongduo. Development of pigment cells and analysis of the expression of related genes in the early embryo of Oryzias curvinotus[J]. Journal of fisheries of china, 2021, 45(12): 1965-1972. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201112486
Citation: HUANG Jiahui, GUO Yusong, DU Juan, DONG Zhongdian, WANG Zhongduo. Development of pigment cells and analysis of the expression of related genes in the early embryo of Oryzias curvinotus[J]. Journal of fisheries of china, 2021, 45(12): 1965-1972. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201112486


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41806195,31972794);2019年度创新强校工程项目(230419069,230419055);省部共建淡水鱼类发育生物学国家重点实验室开放课题(2020KF004);粤桂联合基金(2020A1515410009)


    郭昱嵩 (照片),从事海洋生物资源与保护研究,E-mail:ysguo@gdou.edu.cn



  • 中图分类号: S 917.4

摘要: 为了检验“依照自然选择理论,不同群体的体色形成过程可能受到光照等环境因素的选择作用而发生遗传分化”这一假说,实验以相同条件下人工繁育的不同纬度的弓背青鳉群体(饶平、高桥、三亚)后代(F6)为材料,使用体式荧光显微镜对早期胚胎的黑色素细胞和虹彩色素细胞进行观察统计,并利用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析4种色素细胞发生关键基因(黑色素形成的限速酶基因tyr、虹彩色素细胞相关基因alksox10和pax3)在高桥群体后代早期发育(6~10、12和14肌节期)过程中的表达加以验证。结果表明,高纬度饶平群体早期胚胎的黑色素细胞和虹彩色素细胞分别集中出现于8肌节期和10肌节期,占比为81.9%和52.1%;高桥群体早期胚胎的黑色素细胞和虹彩色素细胞分别集中出现于7和11肌节期,占比47.7%和42.1%;而三亚群体早期胚胎的黑色素细胞和虹彩色素细胞分别集中出现于8和12肌节期,占比 44.0%和62.2%。对高桥F6胚胎样本的色素细胞发生相关基因经qRT-PCR检测结果发现,tyr表达水平在7~9肌节期呈现明显上调,随后趋缓;而抑制黑色素形成通路并启动虹彩细胞分化通路的sox10和pax3与下游的虹彩色素细胞相关基因alk在10~14肌节期均呈现一致的单峰表达模式。综上,本研究中弓背青鳉早期发育阶段的黑色素细胞和虹彩色素发生模式与鱼类经典理论相符,受tyralksox10和pax3等基因的有序表达的调控,证实了发生阶段存在由遗传因素决定的群体分化,低纬度群体的虹彩细胞发生更晚,其具体机制仍待进一步研究。


Development of pigment cells and analysis of the expression of related genes in the early embryo of Oryzias curvinotus

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (41806195, 31972794); Innovative Strong School Program (230419069, 230419055); State Key Laboratory of Developmental Biology of Freshwater Fish (2020KF004); Guangdong-Guangxi Joint Fund (2020A1515410009)
More Information
    Corresponding author:

    WANG Zhongduo. E-mail: wangzd@gdou.edu.cn

    Abstract: In different species of fish, the number and distribution of pigments are specific, which results in the diversity of body colors. The pigments in fish have lots of functions such as avoiding predators, protecting fish from radiation, and changing their body color for courtship. The diversity of pigments can make fish better adapt to the natural environment. According to the theory of natural selection, the process of formation of pigments of different groups may genetically be differentiated due to the selection effect of environment light and so on. Oryzias curvinotus is a kind of small oviparous fish and its body length is about 2-4 cm. O. curvinotus has strong fertility, a short generation cycle, sensitivity to water quality and environmental changes, and wide adaptability to salinity. O. curvinotus were used to living in the layer water, which is widely distributed in Guangdong coastal areas. Because the embryos of O. curvinotus are transparent, which makes them become the ideal materials for pigment research and gene function research. At present, there have been researches on the resources survey, development, and function of O. curvinotus which is expected to be developed as a model species for monitoring coastal water environment in China. To test the above hypothesis, in this study, different latitude groups (Raoping, Gaoqiao and Sanya) of O. curvinotus were bred under the same conditions, and their progenies (F6) were used as materials. The iridophores and melanophores of embryos of O. curvinotus were observed by stereo fluorescence microscope, in addition, the expression of four main genes (tyr, alk, sox10 and pax3) in the early development of the Gaoqiao population was analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR), and the observation results were verified. The results of observation showed that the melanophores and iridophores of embryos in high latitude Raoping embryos were concentrated in 8 and 10 somites stages, accounting for 81.9% and 52.1% respectively; Accordingly, the melanophores and iridophores of the embryo in Gaoqiao embryos were concentrated in 7 and 11 somite stages, accounting for 47.7% and 42.1%, respectively; And the melanophores and iridophores of the embryo in Sanya embryos were concentrated in 8 and 12 somites stage, accounting for 44.0% and 62.2%. qRT-PCR analysis of Gaoqiao embryos confirmed that the expression of tyr, the rate-limiting enzyme of melanin formation, was up-regulated from the 7 to 9 somites stage, and then tended to be stable; And the sox10 and pax3 genes, which inhibit the formation pathway of melanin and initiate the differentiation of iridescent cells, showed the single peak expression pattern from the 10 to 14 somites stage as the downstream alk genes. In conclusion, this study supports that the pattern of melanin and iridescent pigments in the early development stage of O. curvinotus is consistent with the classical pathway of fish, which is regulated by the orderly expression of tyr, alk, sox10, pax3 genes, and the iridescent cells in the low latitude population generally occur later, which supports the existence of population genetic differentiation, but the specific mechanism remains to be studied in the future.


  • 鱼类的体色丰富多彩,具有躲避捕食者、吸引同类、保护鱼类皮肤免受紫外线伤害等重要作用。斑马鱼(Denio rerio)、日本青鳉(Oryzias latipes)等胚胎发育的周期短,且具有多种色素细胞类型,是研究色素细胞的理想材料[1-7]。鱼类色素细胞由胚胎中的神经嵴发展而来[8],早期发育阶段可见点状分布于脊索上方,起到吸收紫外光,保护神经索的作用[9]。至今,对于黑色素合成相关的slc24a5、wnttyrmitf [10-12]及虹彩色素细胞合成相关的sox10、pax3和alk [13-15]都有较为系统的研究,它们通过有序表达调控色素细胞的发生。

    弓背青鳉(O. curvinotus)是一种结群活动于水体上层的小型卵生鱼类,在我国南海沿岸的多个红树林海区均有分布,具有开发为广盐性模式鱼类的潜力。弓背青鳉性成熟时间短,在人工繁育条件下,3月龄弓背青鳉便可全年产卵。目前已有弓背青鳉资源普查[16-17]、发育及功能等研究[18-20],尚无色素细胞发生的基础资料。本项目组开展转基因研究时发现,弓背青鳉的胚胎发育至12肌节期后,虹彩色素细胞呈现绿色荧光,对转基因系荧光信号形成干扰[20]


    本实验所用的弓背青鳉用手抄网采集于广东省廉江市高桥镇、潮州市饶平县及三亚市三亚河口的红树林区域,运回实验室进行淡水驯养繁育,目前已繁育至F6。繁养水温控制在26 °C,光暗周期比为14 h∶10 h,每日定时喂食丰年虫幼体2次[21]

    随机抽取上述3个地理群体F5的弓背青鳉雌、雄各4尾,实验前1天将雌、雄亲鱼分开,次日早晨将雌、雄亲鱼以1∶1混在一起,约30 min产卵受精。为观察到受精卵色素细胞的发育过程,本实验在受精完成后将受精卵取下,并剥离卵间黏连的长丝。

    取受精卵置于体式荧光显微镜下,连续观察其发育过程。观察间隔设定参考研究[20]。在发育前期,每5~10 min观察1次,达到肌节期后1 h观察1次,记录从黑色素细胞开始出现至虹彩色素细胞完全出现的时期,并分别选取相应时期典型的特征形态拍照记录,通过软件Image J融合分析,各群体各个时期的胚胎以15~30个为1组,使用RNA-later保存液保存备用。


    根据转录组数据,找出色素细胞基因alk (Gene ID: evm.TU.Chr19.634)、sox10 (Gene ID: evm.TU.Chr1.300)、pax3 (Gene ID: evm.TU.Chr2.1072)及tyr (Gene ID: evm.TU.Chr6.796) CDs区序列,使用Aligo 7软件进行引物设计(表1),委托生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司合成。

    表  1  qRT-PCR引物序列
    Table  1.  The primers for qRT-PCR
    primers name
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    采用SYBR Green ⅠqRT-PCR对各个样品中的色素基因表达量进行检测,设3个不同样品的平行对照。选择rps4x作为内参基因[22]。PCR扩增体系为15 μL,其中PCR Mix (东盛生物科技公司) 7.5 μL,正反引物(10 μmol/L)各0.3 μL,cDNA(5 ng/μL) 2 μL,ddH2O 4.9 μL。反应于 Roche Light Cycler 96 定量仪 (罗氏,瑞士) 完成,反应程序:94 °C 2 min预变性;94 °C 1 min,60 °C 1 min,72 °C 1 min,40个循环;最后72 °C延伸10 min。反应结束后进行熔解曲线的制作,熔解曲线的温度设为60~95 °C,每隔5 s升温0.5 °C,检测是否有非特异扩增。

    通过qRT-PCR对弓背青鳉高桥群体4个色素细胞发生相关基因在不同发育时期(6~10、12和14肌节期)的表达情况进行检测,利用定量PCR自带的LightCycler® 96 SW 1.1软件分析其熔解曲线。采用2−ΔΔCT方法分析不同时期各基因的相对表达水平[23],所得数据用GraphPad Prism 7软件作图。

    对弓背青鳉不同地理群体F6进行胚胎色素发生观察,结果显示,饶平群体黑色素细胞(统计共105颗受精卵)与虹彩色素细胞(统计共140颗受精卵)集中出现于8肌节期与10肌节期,分别占81.9 %与52.1 %;高桥群体的黑色素细胞(统计共253颗受精卵)与虹彩色素细胞(统计共307颗受精卵)集中出现于7肌节期与11肌节期,分别占47.7 %和42.1 %;而三亚群体黑色素细胞(统计共225颗受精卵)与虹彩色素细胞(共统计241颗受精卵)集中出现于8肌节期与12肌节期,占44 %和62.2 %。3个不同纬度的地理群体在相同环境养殖下,其黑色素细胞与虹彩色素细胞的发生时间存在群体分化差异(图1),即随纬度降低,黑色素细胞和虹彩色素细胞发生时间推后。

    图  1  弓背青鳉不同肌节期出现虹彩色素细胞(a)和黑色素细胞(b)的数量
    Figure  1.  Numbers of iridophores (a) and melanophores (b) at the different somite stages of O. curvinotus


      图版  弓背青鳉高桥群体早期胚胎黑色素和虹彩色素发生
    1~3. 6~8肌节期;4~13. 9、10、12和14肌节期;1~3,4,7,10,13. 白光;5,8,11,14. ImageJ融合;6,9,12,15. 绿色荧光;M. 黑色素细胞;gp. 虹彩色素细胞
      图版.  Development of early embryogenesis of melanin and iridescent pigment of O. curvinotus from Gaoqiao
    1-3. 6-9 somites stages; 4-13. 9,10,12 and 14-somite stages; 1~3, 4, 7, 10, 13. white light; 5, 8, 11, 14. merged by ImageJ; 6, 9, 12, 15. green fluorescence; M. melanophores; gp. iridophores

    qRT-PCR结果显示,黑色素形成相关限速酶基因tyr表达水平在7~9肌节期呈现明显上调,随后趋缓;而sox10和pax3与下游的alk在10~14肌节期呈现一致的表达模式,均在12肌节期达到峰值(图2- a)。tyr作为黑色素相关关键基因,对黑色素的合成表达具有直接影响作用。在早期研究中,sox10与pax3在胚胎发育过程中的表达维持被认为是延迟黑色素的分化。同时sox10与pax3对虹彩色素细胞启动分化具有一定的促进作用,与alk共同调控虹彩色素细胞的表达。sox10、pax3、alktyr的表达与虹彩色素细胞和黑色素细胞的发生次序一致性良好,符合鱼类色素发育的经典调控模式(图2- b)。

    图  2  弓背青鳉高桥群体黑色素和虹彩色素关键基因的定量表达(a)和调控关系(b)
    Figure  2.  The quantitative expression (a) and regulation of key genes (b) of O. curvinotus from Gaoqiao







    大量研究表明,光线对鱼类体色存在明显的影响,如邹旭龙[30]通过对锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio var. koi)进行长时间光照处理使锦鲤体色产生显著变化;弱光条件下锦鲤产生环境应激,证明光照环境在一定程度上会对鱼类生长与体色的发育造成影响。Han等[31]通过使用不同级别照明对长吻鮠(Leiocassis longirostris)进行光照处理,结果显示光照强度对长吻鮠的生长发育有显著影响,长吻鮠在312 lx的光强度下有更高的生长率和存活率,而434 lx的光强度下幼鱼的皮肤体色变暗。Ginés等[32]对金头鲷(Sparus aurata)使用不同的光照周期进行实验,结果显示,金头鲷的皮肤颜色与光照时间正相关。本研究分析的弓背青鳉的胚胎发育阶段,尚不涉及性选择,处于较高纬度的饶平地区的弓背青鳉胚胎更早出现虹彩色素细胞的原因推测可能为光照、气温等自然条件的长期选择压力下,自然群体间缺乏基因交流造成适应性分化。


  • 图  1   弓背青鳉不同肌节期出现虹彩色素细胞(a)和黑色素细胞(b)的数量

    Figure  1.   Numbers of iridophores (a) and melanophores (b) at the different somite stages of O. curvinotus

    图版   弓背青鳉高桥群体早期胚胎黑色素和虹彩色素发生

    1~3. 6~8肌节期;4~13. 9、10、12和14肌节期;1~3,4,7,10,13. 白光;5,8,11,14. ImageJ融合;6,9,12,15. 绿色荧光;M. 黑色素细胞;gp. 虹彩色素细胞

    图版.   Development of early embryogenesis of melanin and iridescent pigment of O. curvinotus from Gaoqiao

    1-3. 6-9 somites stages; 4-13. 9,10,12 and 14-somite stages; 1~3, 4, 7, 10, 13. white light; 5, 8, 11, 14. merged by ImageJ; 6, 9, 12, 15. green fluorescence; M. melanophores; gp. iridophores

    图  2   弓背青鳉高桥群体黑色素和虹彩色素关键基因的定量表达(a)和调控关系(b)

    Figure  2.   The quantitative expression (a) and regulation of key genes (b) of O. curvinotus from Gaoqiao

    表  1   qRT-PCR引物序列

    Table  1   The primers for qRT-PCR

    primers name
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  • 文章访问数:  1393
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  • 被引次数: 2
  • 通讯作者:  王中铎 wangzd@gdou.edu.cn
  • 收稿日期:  2020-11-08
  • 修回日期:  2021-03-15
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-11-17
  • 发布日期:  2021-11-30


