Cloning and analysis of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and its function in the regulation of respiratory burst in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
FENG Yan, QIN Zhendong, DAI Yunjia, ZHANG Yulei, LIU Xiaoling, ZHOU Yang, LAN Jiangfeng, ZHAO Lijuan, LIN Li
2018, 42(2): 161-177. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20161210650
Characterization of hybrid triploid loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) karyotype by C-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization with rDNA
ZHOU He, XU Qizheng, GAO Yangchun, ZHANG Rui, LI Xia, ZHUANG Zixin, LIANG Yuting, LI Yajuan
2018, 42(2): 178-185. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170510840
Identification and expression analysis of two CC chemokines in swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) responses to Aeromonas hydrophila challenges
ZHU Chengke, WANG Jian, CHEN Linghan, ZHOU Chaowei, LEI Luo, DENG Xingxing, LIU Chun, ZHENG Zonglin
2018, 42(2): 186-195. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170110684
Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in mitochondrial genome of Portunus trituberculatus
ZHAO Lian, LI Zhihui, ZHANG Pei, XUE Bei, LAI Xiaofang, GAO Huan, YAN Binlun
2018, 42(2): 196-203. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20161210645
Expression analysis of Sp-Sox14 gene during embryonic and gonadal development in Scylla paramamosain
LIANG Keying, ZHANG Ziping, LIAO Jiaqian, ZOU Zhihua, WANG Yilei
2018, 42(2): 204-215. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170210712
Long-range PCR and next generation sequencing of Ostreid herpesvirus genome
SHI Jie, BAI Changming, LI Chen, CAI Shengli, WANG Chongming
2018, 42(2): 216-225. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20161210667
Acoustic estimation of fishery resources inside and outside the algae breeding zone of Baishawan in Nan’ao
GUO Yu, LI Chunhou, CHEN Guobao
2018, 42(2): 226-235. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20161110603
Establishment of hypoxia-tolerant F3 generation of Megalobrama amblycephala and their growth performance under long-term hypoxia
LI Fugui, ZHENG Guodong, WU Chengbing, CHEN Jie, JIANG Xiayun, ZOU Shuming
2018, 42(2): 236-245. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170110677
Diffusion fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus across sediment-water interface in different aquaculture model ponds
PI Kun, ZHANG Min, LI Baomin, LI Gengchen
2018, 42(2): 246-256. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20161210622
Development of the recognition method based on computer vision for white spots in the carapace of Portunus trituberculatus and research on its characteristics
LU Shaokun, LI Ronghua, SHI Ouwen, WANG Chunlin, MU Changkao, SONG Weiwei, WANG Bin, XU Jianyu
2018, 42(2): 257-266. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170110700
Effects of three different carbohydrate sources on growth performance and hepatic glucose metabolism key enzyme activities in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea)
YUAN Ye, WANG Mengqiang, MA Hongna, LU You, SUN Peng, SHENTU Jikang, JIN Min, ZHOU Qicun
2018, 42(2): 267-281. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20160710481
Construction of pathological model of ERM disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
ZHANG Xiao, WANG Di, LU Tongyan, CAO Yongsheng, LIU Hongbai, LI Shaowu
2018, 42(2): 282-290. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170310755
Expressions of capsular polysaccharide synthetic gene of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from Nile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) and their effects on capsular sialic acid content and bacterial pathogenicity
SHI Hongya, DONG Junjian, ZHANG Defeng, SUN Chengfei, TIAN Yuanyuan, LU Maixin, YE Xing
2018, 42(2): 291-302. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170110680