From improvement practice of polyploid crucian carp to modern trends of aquaculture genetic breeding and seed industry
GUI Jianfang
2023, 47(11): 119101. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014208
Abstract PDF
The system establishment of improved seed, healthy aquaculture and high-quality sales of fish
WANG Shi, XU Qinglin, QIN Qinbo, TAO Min, ZHANG Chun, ZHOU Yi, LUO Kaikun, HU Fangzhou, WANG Yude, LIU Qingfeng, ZHAO Rurong, WU Chang, LIU Shaojun
2023, 47(11): 119602. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914174
Abstract PDF
Fish sex-specific molecular marker screening and marker-assisted sex-controlled breeding: history, progress and prospect
LIU Yang, CHEN Songlin
2023, 47(11): 119103. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914167
Abstract PDF
Advances in seaweed breeding technology and its applications
WANG Wenlei, XU Yan, JI Dehua, XIE Chaotian
2023, 47(11): 119104. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014184
Abstract PDF
Challenges and countermeasures for the high quality development of China's freshwater aquaculture industry under the background of the integrated food security thought
WANG Jianjun, XU Siyu, ZHAO Wenwu, FENG Jianbin, LI Lidong, ZOU Shuming, CUI Lifeng, LI Jiale
2023, 47(11): 119605. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914179
Abstract PDF
Progress and prospects of healthy aquaculture technology for the whole industrial chain of Megalobrama amblycephala
GE Xianping, LIU Bo, MIAO Linghong, ZHAO Yongfeng, LIN Yan, LU Siyue, JIANG Wenqiang, QIAN Linjie
2023, 47(11): 119606. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914163
Abstract PDF
Environmental adaptation and ecological engineering pond aquaculture of marine shrimp and crab
LI Jian, LI Jitao
2023, 47(11): 119607. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914165
Abstract PDF
Comparison of marine ranching constructions between China and foreign countries
RU Xiaoshang, DENG Beini, FENG Qiming, LIN Chenggang, ZHANG Libin, YANG Hongsheng
2023, 47(11): 119508. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914149
Abstract PDF
Ecosystem stability of marine ranching and its response to disturbance: research status, issues, and suggestions
ZHANG Xiumei, JI Qiyan, HU Chengye, XU Huanzhi, WANG Yihang, YANG Xiaolong, GUO Haoyu
2023, 47(11): 119509. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230814107
Abstract PDF
Development and prospects of studies on inshore fisheries resources in China
JIN Xianshi, TIAN Honglin, SHAN Xiujuan
2023, 47(11): 119310. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230814129
Abstract PDF
Ecological and environmental research in fishery waters of China: current status and prospects
LI Chunhou, QI Zhanhui
2023, 47(11): 119311. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230914178
Abstract PDF
The occurrence and prevention and control strategies of mollusc diseases in marine aquaculture of China
SONG Linsheng
2023, 47(11): 119412. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014209
Abstract PDF
Interferon (IFN) system in fish: research progress and contributions from China
LI Li, ZOU Jun, SU Jianguo, LIU Lanhao, ZHANG Shan, NIE Pin
2023, 47(11): 119413. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20230814125
Abstract PDF
Seventy years of development of freshwater fish parasitology in China
LI Ming, LI Wenxiang, ZHAO Weishan, ZHOU Weitian, BU Xialian, WU Shangong, ZOU Hong, WANG Guitang
2023, 47(11): 119414. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014185
Abstract PDF
Current development status of aquaculture equipment in China
LIU Shijing, LI Guodong, LIU Huang, ZHENG Haojun, CHEN Jun
2023, 47(11): 119615. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014186
Abstract PDF
Review of marine fishing equipment and technology
WANG Lumin, WANG Zhongqiu
2023, 47(11): 119716. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014196
Abstract PDF
Current situation and development trend of science and technology in aquatic product processing and circulation industry of China
XUE Changhu, LI Zhaojie
2023, 47(11): 119817. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20231014197
Abstract PDF