Behavioral characteristics of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) in tank by ultrasound pinger system
Graphical Abstract
In order to understand the behavioral characteristics of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea), the ultrasound pinger system has been used to track 4 tails of test fish for 24 hours to access the fish movement data by implanted methods on Aug. 27th and 28th, 2018. The results show that: ① the vertical movement depth of the test fish is (0.89±0.51)m (18:00—24:00), (0.73±0.50)m (0:00—6:00), (1.04±0.50)m (6:00—12:00), (1.00±0.45)m (12:00—18:00), and keep in 0.50~1.25 m; ②the horizontal movement of test fish appeared on the inside of tank about 159.0±9.50 times, and 27% in total data, and about 489.0±12.5 times appeared around tank, 73% in total data. This means that the fish are assembling inside the tank and do the random motion, occasionally the motion appeared around the tank wall. This experiment is the first time to study the behavioral characteristics in tank-farming by ultrasound pinger system, and it aims to provide a scientific theoretical basis and data support for the fishing management for production and behavior monitor of L. crocea.